3D video animation;
year: 2023;
lenght: 1'37"


"IAMS" is a mechanical embodiment of the problem of decision-making and the consequences that indecision brings with it. It addresses the desire to simultaneously pursue actions that are mutually exclusive. It also becomes a personal declaration of the difficulty of working on multiple projects and artistic endeavors at once.

Concept, modeling, texturing, animation, sound: WHITEBOYDIME


The sculpture takes the form of a constructed robot made from "found, independent elements." It consists of a central part - a controlling hub - and four arms extending from it. Each of the arms symbolizes a different choice, a different path. Each of them tries to pull the rest in its own direction. In doing so, they hinder each other, and the ultimate result of these actions is either zero (the machine constantly ends up where it started) or even destructive. The environment undergoes erosion, and the parts of IAMS wear out.

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