"najlepsze znaleziska i wpisy o #wykop w wykop.pl"

virtual space;
year: 2022;
lenght: n/a



The concept of an "iceberg" is a popular method of hierarchy in terms of accessibility of various information related to a particular field on the internet. Only about 10% of the volume of icebergs is above the surface of the water. This level includes very popular and widely known information. The remaining 90% is below the surface and there, less obvious and popular information is found, following the principle of the lower the more unique the knowledge.

The iceberg I have created has 9 layers. Virtual scultpures that can be find there represent the negative phenomena and events related to Wykop that I have chosen.


Download links are available below;

__windows (zip with .exe file)

The title of the project - "najlepsze znaleziska i wpisy o […] w wykop.pl" ("Best findings and posts about [...] on Wykop.pl") is a commonly appearing phrase in search results on the Polish Internet. Wykop is a place that is easy to come across, often by chance. It seems to be an innocent social news portal, but the people it has gathered around it have turned it into a gateway to the darknet. An internet analogy to Dante's hell.

The main theme of the project is an iceberg. The concept of an "iceberg" is a popular method of hierarchy in terms of accessibility of various information related to a particular field on the internet. Only about 10% of the volume of icebergs is above the surface of the water. This level includes very popular and widely known information. The remaining 90% is below the surface and there, less obvious and popular information is found, following the principle of the lower the more unique the knowledge.

The iceberg I have created has 9 layers. The surface layer is not accessible to the audience. The remaining 8 layers are filled with virtual sculptures. They represent characters associated with the negative phenomena and events related to Wykop that I have chosen. The sculptures are based on "brainlet" illustrations. This is a pejorative term used on the internet suggesting that a person is intellectually limited.

The virtual space is accessible to the audience, who can navigate it independently. Sculptures appropriate for a given level become visible only after the audience reaches the appropriate depth. After reaching the bottom, the iceberg shatters.