
3D object/digital animation;
year: 2021;
lenght: 3'19"

kzlw cover


There are dreams that are so realistic that they seem real to us. When we get or achieve something in them, the disappointment we experience when it turns out that it was only a dream is indescribable. A similar feeling accompanied me on that day when, instead of a huge "fragment of an abandoned city," I saw an empty field in its place.

The place that had become my favorite was taken away from me in less than two months. To reclaim it, I recreated it in 3D.

5th August 2020 / 27th August 2020

I stumbled upon the abandoned PZZ Kozłów factory in August 2020 by chance. It could be seen from afar and stood out against the background of the surrounding residential houses.

The place was incredible - like a fragment of an abandoned city ripped from another reality, it was a realization of dreams. It had been abandoned since 2000.

20th October 2020

Less than two months later, I received information that the demolition process was starting.

The place that had become my favorite was taken away from me in less than two months. Now, PZZ Kozłów no longer exists. Behind the metal fence, there is nothing left but the ground and some debris at most. To reclaim this place, I recreated it in 3D graphics. While working on it, I had it "all to myself" again - immersed in photos and videos, based on which I tried to create the most faithful representation.

15th January 2022

I only returned to Kozłów as part of a project on January 15, 2022. I knew that there was nothing left on site. However, the view I encountered was more shocking than I expected.

The longer I stayed on that empty field, the harder it was for me to believe that anything had ever existed there. There are dreams that are so realistic that they seem real to us. When we get or achieve something in them, the disappointment we experience when it turns out that it was only a dream is indescribable. A similar feeling accompanied me on that day.