
year: 2023;
lenght: n/a


description from the exhibition

(...) it turns out that the truth about the word found in the old notebook by Professor Serini is much more dramatic.

"Suligaja" is a computer program - a simulation. A simulation of our world. And we, the 8 billion people living here, you and I, actually do not exist - we are simply virtual instances in a virtual world.

source unknown;


"suligaja" is a word from fictional story about Professor Serini. He found the word in his notebook and since then he's trying to find a real meaning of the word "suligaja"

The purpose of the installation is to confront the viewer with the hypothesis that the world we know is a simulation and to provoke them into their own reflections on this matter. An additional aspect is a counter indicating the predicted time remaining until the end of the simulation. This moment is the year 2050 - considered a critical point by most climatologists. Given the current state of the world, this is supposed to be the moment when (if appropriate actions are not taken) humanity will forever lose the world as we know it today.



The installation consists of a replica of a small computer server built from components typical for this type of construction. The main element is a monitor displaying a program styled in the DOS system (text-based interface). The program is a running simulation called "Suligaja." The screen shows statistics of this simulation, such as population, birth and death rates, and climate data. These are statistics about the world we live in. This is meant to suggest that our reality exists only as a computer simulation.

Project was done in theTransmedia Studio at the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts.

cover cover

*visualization from project draft;
